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Belinda is a wonderful and talented healer. Her session provided such a sense of calm and relaxation, while allowing any stuck energy to shift. The vibrations of the sound bowls released many blockages for me, along with Belinda's talented ear for sound and her intuition guiding her. I would highly recommend having a session with her if you are looking to move forward from any stagnancy in and around the body and to connect to a deep sense of peace with yourself. Thank you Belinda

Eloise - Psychic Medium
Treatment: Sound Healing

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Wow, Belinda has created something truly unique with her Solfeggio Reiki treatment. 
This is a deeply immersive experience combining frequency, vibration and hands on healing. It created for me, a profound inward looking meditative state, while being expertly guided by Belinda I received clarity, insight and removed blocks and shifted energy around events and stuck emotions in my life.
This has created a strong feeling of foundation and alignment within. A truly lasting heart opening experience.
Belinda has not only connected with a calling but has created an entirely new healing mode.

Luke - Rigger
Treatment: Solfeggio Reiki


Belinda's reading came at such a perfect time for me. I was at a crossroad, with so many, family, relationships... I was literally questioning everything!

Belinda's reading confirmed so many of the questions I had and reminded me to trust my intuition and the path I am on, and also reminded me to dig a bit deeper and that I needed to put a little more work into the life I want to create. A perfect combination of trust and guidance. It has given me the motivation I need to keep moving forward on my soul's journey.

Reading: Psychic Reading

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