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Sound therapy on the body and in the auric field

Allow the sacred frequencies of the sound bowls and instruments to carry you into a deep state of relaxation. The calming acoustic stimulation with the physical vibrations of the sounds on your body create a synergistic effect working on your physical and energetic systems simultaneously.



Hand-beaten brass bowls are placed on your clothed body and are struck with a felt mallet creating smooth vibrations which promote resonance through your system and provide a pleasant listening experience. You will also experience the sounds of Ocean Drums, Koshi Chimes and Tuning forks, working in your auric field.



- Relief from tension in the physical body.

- Reduced stress and reactivity. 

- Assistive entry into deep meditative states through the reverberating overtones.

- A sensation of lightness and liberation.

- Emotional balance.


Length: 1hour

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